Thursday, March 10, 2011

Why you should list your home NOW

This morning on the news they announced that foreclosures are down 14%.  That would be great if it was the whole true picture, but the reality is that foreclosures being put on the market by the banks in the past couple of months were halted because they had serious paperwork issues.  This directly relates to the decreased number of new foreclosure listings and the market will begin to see an influx of more foreclosures in the next couple of months as the paperwork problems are straightened out. This will be coupled with the traditional sellers who like to list their homes in the Spring.  The bottom line as I see it?  Sellers need to beat the next wave of foreclosure properties that will be listed by getting their home on the market now.  April and May tend to have a higher number of new listings because people want to strategically control their move for the summer months but this increases their competition and can ultimately decrease their negotiation capabilities.  There will always be people that choose the Spring to sell- so if you are planning on selling why not get a head start and list in the pre- Spring?  As mortgage interest rates continue to tick up many first time home buyers are committing to make their purchase now rather than later.  Call me if you or someone you know if ready to get their home 864-205-SOLD!!!

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